
Your dentist has probably warned against eating and drinking sugary foods and beverages too often. However, you might not know that there are actually several tasty foods that benefit your teeth and gums. If you want to maintain a healthy, white smile, here are a few options to consider the next time you have a snack craving. 

What Foods Do Dentists Recommend Eating?

1. Fibrous Vegetables

Saliva contains traces of minerals like bicarbonate, calcium, and phosphate that neutralize acids that lead to plaque buildup and repair early tooth decay. Also, because it’s primarily made of water, saliva helps to wash away any bits of food particles hanging around in the mouth.

Sugary and starchy foods reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth so these harmful acids are allowed to attack the tooth enamel for longer. Conversely, fibrous vegetables—like carrots, celery, spinach, and broccoli—increase the saliva flow inside of the mouth, so any acids are washed away quickly and minerals are restored to the teeth. 

2. Calcium & Phosphorus-Rich Dairy Products

dentistCalcium is a crucial mineral for maintaining healthy teeth. It strengthens the hard enamel layer on the surface of the teeth and is largely responsible for the development and support of the jawbone, which is necessary for holding your teeth in place. However, for calcium to fully be absorbed into the body, it needs to be paired with phosphorus. 

Fortunately, most dairy products are flush with both minerals. Just be sure to pick those that are also low in sugar, such as cheese, plain yogurt, and low or fat-free milk.

3. Polyphenol-Packed Teas & Berries

Green and black tea, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries are rich in polyphenols. This plant compound has been found to slow the growth and suppress the genes of bacteria associated with tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. In one study, people who rinsed their mouths with black tea had less plaque buildup than a second group that rinsed their mouth with water. 


In addition to eating teeth-healthy foods, make sure to visit the dentists at Philmont Family Dentistry twice a year for a checkup. This modern dental office use top-of-the-line equipment to provide the best oral health care to all patients in Philmont, NY. Their experienced team has over 40 years of providing adult and pediatric dentistry services. Schedule a consultation with their family dentist by calling (586) 672-4077, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
