
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment made from plant estrogens to chemically match hormones within the human body. For men and women whose hormone levels have dropped naturally over time or have become unbalanced due to an underlying condition, this treatment can address frustrating symptoms and restore quality of life. Yet, as with any medical treatment, there’s plenty of misinformation about HRT. Discover some of the most common myths below.

3 Misconceptions About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Debunked

1. Bioidentical Hormones Are Unnatural

Like all forms of HRT, bioidentical hormones do have to undergo a chemical process to be transferred into a form that can be administered, such as injections. Yet, they are derived from plants and contain the same exact molecular makeup as human hormones. This makes them the most natural form of HRT available.

2. HRT Is Linked to Increased Cancer Risk

hormone replacement therapyThis misconception is due to an outdated Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study, which originally reported an increased instance of breast cancer in women taking HRT as part of the research.

A later WHI analysis clarified this finding, stating that estrogen-alone HRT does not increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. In fact, when started early, hormone therapy has an overall mortality risk reduction of 40%.

3. Only Women Can Benefit From HRT

Women often turn to HRT to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, sleep issues, weight gain, and fatigue. However, men can also benefit from the treatment.

In particular, HRT can help address symptoms tied to declining testosterone levels in men, many of which mirror those of menopause. Low libido, weight changes, and fatigue are some common issues tied to low testosterone.


If you’re considering bioidentical hormones to help alleviate any challenges you’re experiencing, turn to Summit Rejuvenation Centers. With locations in Saint Peters and Chesterfield, MO, this center welcomes both men and women and offers hormone therapy solutions tailored to each individual’s unique needs. Find out more about their solutions online or call (636) 477-6167 to schedule an appointment.
