
Losing a loved one can be devastating for a child, and they usually grieve in their own way after the funeral service. There’s no timeline for the process, and it’s important that you support them through it. There are many ways to help your grieving child, and you can use the following methods to ensure that your child knows they have all the resources they need while they grieve.

How to Help a Grieving Child

1. Be Available & Honest

It’s essential that you’re there for your child when they need you. They may wake up crying, need a day to stay home from school, or suddenly feel the need to express what they’re going through. Be there for them and listen to what they have to say while providing emotional support and guidance.

Children trying to understand death may have several questions, such as where their loved one went, so be honest and use age-appropriate explanations. You can let them know their loved one has gone to a better place and that everything will be fine.

2. Encourage Them to Stay Active

funeral serviceRoutines can be helpful following a loss because they make life feel normal. Encourage your child to continue going to school, playing with friends, or being involved in recreational sports and other activities. Being around a support system is helpful, and they may channel their emotions during these activities.

Make sure you don’t force your child into social settings since they may be too overwhelming early on, and allow them to stay in if they need to. If they want to stay in, encourage creative activities like writing or drawing, which can become positive emotional outlets.

3. Stick to Family Traditions

If you had weekly dinners with the deceased, movie nights, or other traditions, keep celebrating them. Rituals, like routines, can make life feel normal and are a great time for the family to come together. You and your child can speak fondly about the deceased, and they will feel better remembering who they were and the positive impact they had, rather than focusing on the loss.


TP White & Sons Funeral Home is committed to helping families through their losses and provides comprehensive funeral services to Cincinnati, OH, residents. Their compassionate staff handles several of after-life services, including funeral planning, cremation, and burial services. Visit their website to learn more or call (513) 231-7150 to begin organizing a funeral service.
