
Many people don’t think much about their car keys until they fail to unlock their vehicles. This occurrence is common with both conventional and keyless entry. While a locksmith will rectify the issue, there are some instances when you may be able to fix it yourself. Learn more about this problem below.

Why Won’t My Car Key Unlock My Vehicle?

1. Dead Batteries

Many new models use keyless entry. The key fob, which is the device with buttons that unlock different parts of the vehicle, relies on a battery with a finite life.

In many cases, problems stem from dead or dying batteries, so try replacing them following the instructions in the owner’s manual.

2. Damaged Key or Lock

locksmithOlder models usually have simple locking mechanisms on the doors.

After years of sliding the key into the slot, these mechanisms may become damaged. The tumblers within the lock must match the key configuration, and gradual wear can eventually change the grooves of the key or lock. 

3. Programming Issues

Transponder keys are also common for new models. These contain tiny microchips that communicate with the locking mechanism in a vehicle.

When you lose the keys and have them replaced, there are sometimes issues with programming, which means you might not be able to enter the vehicle with the new pair. A locksmith will replace or reprogram the keys to ensure they work.


When you’re unable to access your vehicle, you need fast, efficient services. For the last two decades, AAL Lock & Key, Inc. has provided this to customers throughout Charlotte, NC, and the surrounding counties. They work with all sorts of devices, including transponders and key fobs. Their technicians are part of the American Locksmith Organization of America, providing top-quality customer service. Contact one of their skilled locksmiths 24/7 by calling (704) 458-7097, or visit their website for a full listing of services. 
