
The wires in many houses do not comply with modern electrical codes, creating a safety hazard and preventing you from selling the home. If you own an older residence, you should know when to contact an electrician to update the wiring and protect the property from power surges and electrical fires. Here are three indications you should schedule an appointment.

3 Signs Your Home Has Wiring Issues

1. Tripping Circuit Breaker

Most homes feature circuit breakers, which are central panels that contain switches to control the flow of electricity to the house. They feature safety fuses that will automatically shut off the power to specific areas of the home that are using too much energy.

If you notice that you can’t use a light and an outlet at the same time, the wiring may need an update. An electrician can redirect the wires and create new circuits to diversify the energy, which will prevent the breaker from going off. Not only does this provide more convenience, but it also prevents a power surge that could damage your appliances.

2. Lacking Dedicated Circuits

electricianAppliances that use heat and draw considerable power—such as the dishwasher, stove, furnace, and dryer—should have their own outlets and electrical circuits. This prevents them from overloading a single circuit and lowers the risk of an electrical fire from a power surge.

The circuit breaker should have labeled switches for each appliance. If you notice the circuits frequently cut off power when you run a device and use another electrical source, have an electrician create a dedicated outlet. This will allow you to use multiple appliances simultaneously, without risking your safety.

3. Missing Wire Coating

Older homes often have electrical issues because the wires experience damage. Rodents and pets can chew through the rubber coating, creating a fire and shock hazard by exposing the metal wires. If you notice your wiring is missing this layer, turn off the electricity to the area and call an electrician. They’ll find the source of the damage, install new wires, and prevent the issue from happening again. 


If you are concerned about the wiring in your home, schedule service with Houston Electric, Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning in Wapakoneta, OH. The technicians have over 40 years of experience as licensed electricians, and they offer fixture installations, wiring, and switch work. Call (419) 738-9800 to schedule a consultation. Visit the website for information on free estimates and how they can help you improve energy efficiency.
