
Tinted windows are more than just a visually appealing choice; homeowners and their families can reap tons of practical benefits as well. In addition to keeping your carpet, hardwood floors, and upholstery from fading, they may also have a positive impact on your health. Here are a few ways how. 

How Home Window Tinting Can Benefit Your Health

1. Protects Your Skin

Most people know to protect their skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays when they go outside on a hot summer day, either by applying sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, or staying in the shade.

However, some of those UV rays can affect your skin even if you stay inside, increasing the risk for sunspots and skin cancer. Tinted windows prevent many of those dangerous rays from getting inside, so your skin enjoys protection even when you’re not wearing sunscreen.

2. Reduces Heat

Sunlight streaming in through your windows produces heat. When your body gets too warm, you start to sweat, which can sometimes lead to dehydration on especially hot and sunny days.

Though your AC can generally prevent major health concerns, it may not always work. Even mild dehydration can lead to symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. Heatstroke is also a possibility in extreme circumstances—symptoms include rapid heartbeat, nausea, and trouble breathing.

Darker than other options, tinted windows reduce the workload of your air conditioner by reducing the amount of heat your home absorbs. 

3. Limits Eye Strain

tinted windowsWhen sunlight streams inside and bounces off of your television, picture frames, or other reflective surfaces, it can create a glare that strains your eyes.

Exposure to UV rays can damage the cornea and conjunctiva of the eyes, even when they’re reflected off other surfaces. Window tinting prevents glare, which can ultimately make your eyes more comfortable and less prone to damage or vision loss.


If you’re interested in reaping the benefits of tinted windows at home, Pro-Tint in Lincoln, NE, can help. The glass tinting company serves all of Lancaster County, offering windows for homes, businesses, and cars. The company uses quality materials backed by warranties and more than 45 years of industry experience. You can request a quote online or call (402) 474-1234 to get started.
