
While some vehicle collisions create minimal visual damage, body shops stress the significance of a comprehensive inspection afterward. This is particularly true for rear-end accidents, which happen about 1.7 million times every year in the United States. Here’s a list of hidden issues collision centers want you to know about so that you maintain a safe and functional vehicle. 

4 Hidden Problems That Rear-End Collisions Can Cause

1. Trunk Malfunctions

The force of a rear-end accident leaves your trunk susceptible to damage. While it may seem fine, minor dents and jostling can cause the latch to malfunction. With a broken latch, your trunk may open while you’re on the road. It may also be challenging to lock, open, and close this storage area, which risks the safety of any items you have inside. 

2. Alignment Issues

When driving the vehicle after a fender bender, pay attention to the steering wheel. Does it drift or vibrate? Is it more difficult than usual to maintain your trajectory? If so, you may have wheel alignment issues. Immediate service is necessary because improper alignment will result in uneven wear and tear on your tires. This will lead to premature replacement, which is costly. Also, alignment issues reduce your ability to control the vehicle, increasing the risk of future collisions. 

3. Transmission

body shopSports cars, pickup trucks, and sedans that are all-wheel or rear-wheel drive have a driveshaft that runs from the rear axle to the transmission. A rear-end collision can bend or push the driveshaft forward, damaging the transmission. Not only is this expensive to repair, but it will also lead to difficulty shifting gears and maintaining enough acceleration power. 

4. Frame Damage

Immediately following an accident, you will likely check the bumper for dents and paint scratches. Even if these visual issues are minimal, body shops encourage clients to pay attention to driving performance. Unusual car noises, uneven tire wear, poor traction, and changes in the vehicle’s suspension and ability to brake smoothly indicate you have frame damage. This is a significant risk to your safety, as the car cannot operate efficiently or withstand an accident as well. 


If you are in a rear-end collision in the Greater Lincoln, NE, area, Miracle Workers Auto Collision Center is the body shop for you. With 30 years of experience providing comprehensive repairs, you can count on this team of highly trained technicians to restore your vehicle. Call (402) 474-7355 to discuss your needs with a representative. Visit the website for more information about their services. 
