
During check-ups, dentists perform an x-ray of the teeth to ensure their health and quality. In some cases, they’re misaligned due to the development or growth of wisdom teeth. While sometimes showing no symptoms, wisdom tooth extractions are necessary to maintain oral hygiene and health.

When Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

1. Inflammation & Discomfort 

Pericoronitis might develop when a wisdom tooth emerges. A segment of gum tissue becomes a trap for bacteria and food particles, causing the gums to harden and become inflamed. They will also be sore when touched, making brushing a challenge. Since bacteria and food particles are not getting cleaned away, there is an increased likelihood of cavities and infections developing. 

The discomfort and inflammation can also occur before the wisdom tooth emerges, causing the gum tissue in the area to swell and redden. 

However, even if they haven’t emerged from the gums yet, a dentist can perform wisdom tooth extractions to relieve the pericoronitis and end the inflammation. 

2. Cyst Development 

Tooth ExtractionsWhen issues with wisdom teeth go unresolved, fluid-filled sacs called cysts form around them. Untreated cysts cause nerve damage and hollow out the jaw by attacking the bone structure. Over time, they also damage the roots of nearby teeth. In severe cases, an untreated cyst forms a tumor that will need to be removed surgically. 

3. Sinus Issues 

When the roots of wisdom teeth on the upper jaw develop, they might press and rub against the sinuses. Though rare, the pressure can lead to discomfort in the sinuses, congestion, and headaches. Once the teeth are removed, the pressure will be relieved, and the discomfort will cease. 

4. Alignment Changes

Most people have 28 teeth. After the wisdom teeth emerge, there are 32. Sometimes, the mouth is too small to accommodate the teeth, and sometimes the wisdom teeth grow in crooked. In either case, the pressure they place on the other teeth will cause them and the jawline to shift. You may experience discomfort, stiffness, and limitations opening and moving your mouth and jaw. 

When misaligned like this, braces will not be able to straighten the teeth. Instead, the wisdom teeth need to be removed. Depending on the situation, your dentist may only remove one or two wisdom teeth or may need to remove them all. 


For over 20 years, Almaville Farms Family Dentistry has made tooth extractions easy. Using the most advanced technology and experienced dental precision, they’ll relieve discomfort and preserve your smile. From standard cleanings to cosmetic and restorative treatments, they provide comprehensive and compassionate care for the entire family. For more information on their dental services, visit their website. If you’re in the Smyrna, TN, area, call (615) 462-5155 to make an appointment.
