
Weatherstripping provides the final seal between your windows and the outside, which is why they need to be installed correctly. This material creates a moisture barrier and may also improve energy efficiency by preventing cool air from leaking. Whether you’re adding new windows to your home or are handling glass and window repair needs, follow these steps to properly install weatherstripping.

How to Install Weatherstripping On Windows

1. Clean the Area

First, clean the area around the window frame with warm, soapy water. Whether you’ve chosen a V strip tension seal, which is ideal for double-hung windows, or vinyl tubing, it will need to stick to the window surface to create a strong seal. Scrub away dirt, debris, and flaking materials until there’s a smooth, clean surface.

2. Cut the Material

glass and window repairCut the weatherstripping material with a razor. Each strip should be one inch longer than each side of the window sash. If you’re using felt or foam tape, cut slightly longer so that you can press the material into the grooves around the window. If you under-cut, measure the empty space and cut an additional piece of weatherstripping you can apply.

3. Nail

Finally, nail the new weatherstripping into place. To ensure you’ve covered all space, hold a lit match up to the seam around the window. It should be completely still. If it moves, it means there is air leaking in somewhere.

You should quickly notice that your home feels cooler since there’s less cold air leaking out. Weatherstripping will ensure moisture doesn’t cause water damage and that insects aren’t able to get in through these areas. If this is a part of a larger glass and window repair project, you may want to caulk around the outside of the window to close exterior cracks.


For a truly stress-free glass and window repair experience, contact Genesee Glass & Mirror of Rochester, NY. These professionals provide comprehensive glass care and replacement services for homes and vehicles. They can fix car windows, mirrors, and install fogged glass to your commercial space. Visit their website to learn more about the company, or call (585) 621-3580 to speak with a representative.
