
For many children, visiting the family doctor can be an intimidating and stressful experience. If your child is nervous about seeing the doctor, there are a few easy steps you can take to help them feel better and ensure the appointment goes well. Use these tips to prepare for the next checkup.

4 Ways to Help Children Feel Comfortable With Doctors

1. Have a Conversation

Be open with your child about the fact that they’ll be visiting a doctor soon. It’s okay to tell them it might be uncomfortable as long as you also emphasize that the doctor is a friend who’s there to help them stay healthy. You should also remind your child that you’ll be with them the whole time.

If the appointment will involve shots or an examination of private parts, let your child know ahead of time so that there are no surprises during the visit.

2. Practice Beforehand

family doctorAfter discussing the upcoming appointment with your child, do a practice run at home. Get a play set of doctor’s tools so that you can play with them together.

Show your child how a stethoscope works, look in their mouth with a tongue depressor, have them stand on a scale, and check their reflexes. This way, your child will already feel like they have an idea of what’s happening when they see the family doctor, which will make the experience less scary.

3. Bring a Comfort Item

On the morning of the appointment, let your child choose a favorite toy, stuffed animal, or book to bring to the medical clinic. Being able to hold on to something important to them can help your child feel brave. 

Also, consider allowing them to take an electronic device, such as a tablet or handheld video game. The distractions offered by such devices could ease their mind and calm their nerves.

4. Encourage Participation

Tell your child that it’s okay to talk to the family doctor and ask questions about their health or what is happening during the checkup. Perhaps you can even work with your child to write a list of questions prior to the appointment for them to ask the doctor.


To make an appointment with a skilled and compassionate family doctor, contact Patient Choice Medical Care in Hamden, CT. With years of experience providing thorough and personalized medical services to their community, these physicians can help your child have a pleasant experience each time they visit. To schedule an appointment, call (203) 535-0262 or message them online.
