
Though their diets are usually much stricter than that of humans, dogs can develop dental problems, too. Unfortunately, many pet owners neglect their companions’ teeth throughout most of their lives, putting them at risk of such issues as gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss as well as heart and kidney disease. Here’s a closer look at how to approach your pup’s pet dental care.

How to Maintain Your Dog’s Dental Health

1. Brush Their Teeth When They’re Young

The adage that it can be difficult to teach old dogs new tricks is often true, especially with teeth brushing. If your dog is still a puppy, you’ll make dental care much easier for both of you by brushing their teeth early on.

Teach them to enjoy or tolerate brushing through positive reinforcement. Praise them and reward them with healthy dental treats until they learn to enjoy the experience.

2. Use Canine-Specific Toothpaste

pet dentalHuman kinds of toothpaste contain fluoride, which is poisonous for dogs, so you should only use products specifically formulated for canines. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations or check labels carefully.

Luckily, many dog-specific toothpastes are flavored to serve as treats. You’ll often find bacon- or peanut-butter-flavored types at pet stores, and before long, your pup’s ears might even perk up when it’s brushing time.

3. Use Chew Toys

Many chew bones and toys have been designed by veterinary experts to aid in pet dental care. They can help remove tartar and plaque to improve bad breath while strengthening your pet’s teeth and jaw.

However, they should only be given to your dog when you can supervise them. Some dogs will bite too hard and damage their teeth if the chews are too hard, and if small pieces break off, there could be a choking or digestive hazard.


In addition to pet dental care at home, dogs need regular oral checkups with their veterinarians to prevent significant dental problems. Dog owners in Cincinnati, OH, will find reliable and quality care from the veterinarians at TLC Pet Care Centers. They’ve been keeping pets healthy for more than 40 years with services such as pet vaccinations, surgery, and dental care. For an appointment, call (513) 683-2300 for the East location or (513) 825-4011 for the West location. Learn more about their services by visiting their website.
