
Taking care of your oral health is necessary to keep your smile bright and ward off infections that could affect your general health. Aside from regular visits to your dentist, using a good toothbrush at home will help keep tooth decay and gum disease at bay.

A Guide to the Different Types of Toothbrushes

Manual Toothbrush

This standard toothbrush, when coupled with the proper brushing technique, can keep your teeth healthy and plaque-free. When choosing one, it's best to go for a brush with soft bristles that effectively removes debris and bacteria without damaging the tooth structure or gums.

The head of the brush should also fit comfortably in your mouth and be able to easily reach your farthest molars. When the bristles start to wear out after about three months, it's time to replace it with a new one.

Electronic Toothbrush

dentistElectronic toothbrushes, whether they're battery-operated or rechargeable, produces a pulsing or vibrating motion that helps remove plaque better than a manual toothbrush. The small brush head can also get into narrow areas, making it easier to achieve a clean set of teeth. Just like its manual counterpart, the replacement head needs to be changed every three months.

Choosing the Right One

As long as you follow your dentist's brushing instructions, either option will be useful for cleaning your teeth. An electric toothbrush could be the better option for users with dexterity issues, such as people with arthritis.

Some may also find electric toothbrushes more fun to use than manual ones, making them more motivated to brush their teeth regularly. If you’re looking for an eco-friendly option, consider an electronic toothbrush. They create less waste than manual ones since you only need to replace the head.


If you're looking for a dependable dentist to take care of your pearly whites, check out Lakeside Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Austin, TX. Led by Dr. Vincent Morales, this practice serves Travis County and the surrounding area and offers dental implants, dentures, tooth extractions, and veneers. Dr. Morales and his team also perform cosmetic dentistry, services such as teeth whitening treatments. Call (512) 249-5555 to schedule an appointment. Visit their website for more on the practice.
