
Chiropractic adjustments for newborns may seem a little out there.  After all, how much misalignment can a newly born baby have? It turns out, a lot.

First off, why would a baby need chiropractic adjustment? As you know, labor can be very stressful on Mom and Baby. The pressure from contractions puts a lot of stress on the head and neck of the baby. Especially if baby is not lined up perfectly straight. Ninety-nine percent of infants have a cervical subluxation directly after birth. Both C-section and vaginal birth have equal chances of having a misalignment.

We now know that spinal nerve stress may start in the womb, with the baby lying in a distorted or twisted manner.  Plus, a traumatic or difficult birth can introduce great stress to the infant’s skull, spinal column and pelvis.  Even a “natural” birth can stress an infant’s spine and developing nervous system. Because of this, it’s not too early to have your newborn checked right after birth.

It is natural for parents to fear the Chiropractor for their babies. As adults, getting an adjustment can mean a lot of pressure and cracks. However, Chiropractors do not take the same approach of adjustments for babies as they do adults. Instead, adjustments for babies are gentle and many times will go unnoticed by the baby.

When there is a misalignment of the spine, the nerves that flow out to all of the organs are compromised, so when we do an adjustment we're simply taking pressure, nerve stress, off the spine, so the body can express itself. The pressure used on a baby is equivalent to the pressure one uses to check a tomato for ripeness. Chiropractic care has also proven to be safer and more effective than prescription medications and antibiotics.

It's recommended that babies get checked soon after delivery. This prevents a lot of the common problems we see in infancy. It also allows brain function to be at its optimal level. Signs would be a change in temperament, sleep patterns, runny nose or congestion, not using the body equally side to side, constantly turning the head to one direction, not nursing or latching properly, having constant spitting up, plus many, many more.

What should I look for?

Many newborn health problems can be traced to misalignments that occur in utero or during birth. See Forest Park Chiropractic & Acupuncture Doctors if your baby is struggling with any of the following:

  1. Colic
  2. Sleep disturbances
  3. Poor coordination
  4. Noise sensitivity
  5. Irritability
  6. Breastfeeding problems (difficulties sucking, swallowing or latching on)
  7. Restricted head movement or one shoulder higher than the other
  8. Ear infections
  9. Reflux
  10. Persistent colds or sore throats

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Infants?

Speedy Recovery Following Birth The process of birth is no less than a traumatic incident, both for the mother and the child. No matter whether the child is born naturally or via a C-section, he needs support in recovering from it and living in a new world. Gentle manipulations in certain key areas of your baby’s body can help to ease tension and strain, as well as correct nerve problems that may arise after birth.

Soothe colic symptoms Treatment from a chiropractor for infants is gentle, conservative and highly successful in treating babies with colic symptoms. The gastric system of a child is the most sensitive and immature one after his birth. A lot of troubling symptoms, ranging from bloating to stomach ache, can arise as a result of it. If medicines and dietary adjustments don’t seem to have the desired effect, a chiropractic adjustment can come to the rescue. With specific, gentle adjustments to correct any misalignments to the spine, it helps to relieve the pressure on the nervous system and allows the body to function at its best.

Reducing the Intensity of Ear Infections Research suggests that minor injuries to the spinal cord can lead to pain in the ear. Sometimes, it also leads to an infection due to the lack of coordination between the organ and the brain. Ear infections are quite common in babies. Antibiotics are usually the first line of defense that is administered to keep the infection at bay. Similarly, a chiropractic adjustment can focus on the bones in the upper portion of the vertebrae and adjust them to cause dilation in the Eustachian tube. This facilitates the draining of any fluids or substances stuck in the ear and clearing it up effectively.

Breastfeeding As with many childhood disorders, the cause of the breastfeeding or latching problem often traces back to undetected biomechanical injuries to the spine. Chiropractic care can help to restore the normal function in the infant and help mothers continue breastfeeding without further complications and hindrances.

Constipation When the spine is misaligned, it can aggravate the exiting nerves decreasing the function of the nervous system, and eventually the intestines. Chiropractic care helps the nervous system function at its best; thus helping to improve constipation symptoms.

Strengthening the Immunity Apart from proper nutrition and rest, the immune system relies on a healthy spine. As chiropractic care works to improve the overall health of patients, it also helps to improve the immune system of both babies and children. The immunity of the body is not just dependent on the presence of right nutrition in the diet. It works on a network of nerve signals, and any hindrances in those can impact the defense mechanism of the body. Chiropractic sessions make sure these signals can transmit effectively and stimulate the release of antibodies in the blood to fight infections.

Our nervous system runs through our spine and any misalignment can cause the nerve pathways to become irritated. This will affect all systems in the body.

Keeping the Fussiness at Bay It might be quite difficult to recognize why a child is constantly crying or being irritable throughout. If everything from a feeding session to a medical checkup fails to reveal the cause, a chiropractic session can work in releasing any internal tension of the body. Studies have shown that chiropractic treatment helps to reduce fussiness which could be the result of mechanical restrictions in your baby’s spine. These restrictions can lead to headaches, muscle spasms, increased nervous irritability, sleeping difficulties and crying. Many parents have observed their child be much calmer after a couple of sessions.

Enhancing the Physical Development of the Child A baby is born with primary spinal curves (known as sacral and thoracic kyphosis) and in the first year of life, the spine doubles in length while the secondary curves (neck and lower back lordosis) form. This is a lot of change in a little body in such a short amount of time! When your baby starts lifting his head the neck curvature forms; when he learns to sit, the lower back curvature forms. However, without proper alignment during these important milestones, there’s a chance that your child’s spinal curvatures may not develop properly. This could hamper your child’s physical development and slow the rate at which he reaches his milestones. Chiropractic session can help align it better and keep the development of the child unhindered.

How does it work?

It is essential to remember that chiropractic care for kids is tailored to take into consideration their age, developmental state, and size. Treatment plans may include soft tissue therapy or exercises, gentle joint mobilization, or manipulation. Chiropractors use very gentle and specific fingertip pressure on newborns with the adjustment individually tailored to the baby’s spine. Children are much more receptive to chiropractic treatment and usually require only a few adjustments to restore normal function.

It's a very gentle treatment. A lot of children sleep through the adjustment and most kids love getting treatment!

A Doctor of Chiropractic does not treat conditions or disease. Instead, their expertise lies in checking the child’s spine for misalignments that impair nerve system function which in turn affects overall body function.

How often should my child get adjusted?

Adjust a healthy baby once a month or during any milestone such as holding up their head, sitting, crawling or walking.  If your baby gets a cold or you notice a change in sleep or behavior, it might also be a good time to get them checked.

Whether its sleep issues, tummy issues or colic, many parents have reported that their babies have found relief after visiting a chiropractor. The good news is, it’s safe for newborns within the first few weeks after birth.

Starting your baby off with chiropractic care gives them a strong foundation.  Children who are adjusted regularly benefit from a stronger immune system, better sleep, improved energy, concentration and behavior. The result is a happy and content baby.
