
When the time comes for your parents to move into a home to get the assistance and care they need, you’ll likely be left with the job of handling their estate. Estate sales are an effective, quick, and financially rewarding way to liquidate a lifetime of belongings. Before you start planning your sale, you’ll likely have some questions about what to do.

Estate Sale FAQ

How does it work?

An estate sale, or tag sale, is exceptionally different from an auction. Rather than allowing people to bid on items, you will choose a price for everything. Customers can browse through items at their leisure and pay the price on the tag, much like they do in a retail shop. Once they buy something, they can take it away immediately or arrange for the delivery of larger items, such as furniture and appliances.

Should I host one myself?

estate salesIt’s best to hire a liquidation company to handle this for you since it’s not as simple as hosting a yard sale. There will be plenty of belongings to go through and set prices for. However, a professional can sort through the items, choose appropriate prices that will sell at fair market value, and display everything in a way that will keep inventory moving. They’ll also advertise the sale to bring in more people, so you’ll do less work and while potentially making more of a profit in the liquidation process.

Where is the sale held?

The estate sale will typically be held in your parent’s home, but it’s best to arrange the sale after they’ve moved out. It can be difficult to sort through items and set everything up for the sale if someone is living in the home.

What can be sold?

Just about anything can be sold at an estate sale. Avoid throwing belongings and knick-knacks away until your company has a chance to look at everything, so you’ll know what may hold value. Common items sold include jewelry, furniture, decorations, equipment, tools, dishes, antiques, and the home itself.


The professionals at Levy Estate Services will handle every aspect of your estate sale in Citrus Heights, CA. This locally owned and operated company offers the highest level of service at competitive prices, for a seamless and rewarding transition for your aging parent. They’ll make flexible arrangements based on your unique situation. Learn more online and call (916) 286-9698 to schedule a free initial evaluation.
