
As you age, it’s natural for your eyes to develop some issues, especially if you’re an avid reader or work in front of a computer frequently. However, there are some easy steps you can take to fight macular degeneration and protect eye health. Follow these three easy steps to keep your eyes healthy and strong between eye exams.

3 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight

1. Adjust Your Diet

eye examYou’ve probably heard the idea that carrots are good for your eyes. They are, but so are plenty of other vegetables and leafy greens. Look for foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as copper and zinc. These include citrus, nuts and seeds, spinach and broccoli, and dark chocolate. For older individuals, foods like eggs, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes, that are high in antioxidants, will help slow macular degeneration.

2. Incorporate Daily Eye Exercises

If you spend most of your workday in front of a screen, it’s easy for your eyes to get strained after you’ve been focusing on one spot for too long. Give your eyes a break by slowly rolling them, covering your full range of vision. You should also focus your eyes on a point that’s within a few feet of your face, then focus on a spot across the room or out the window to give your eyes some variety. At your next eye exam, discuss other eye exercise options with your optometrist.

3. Avoid Smoking

You probably know that smoking can have disastrous effects on your lungs, nose, mouth, and throat. Smoke can also increase the odds of developing cataracts and experiencing macular degeneration. Smoke is also an irritant, which can dry your eyes and inflame the blood vessels that run through them. If you currently smoke, quitting will benefit your eyes and the rest of your body.


Regular eye exams are an important facet of ocular health. If it’s been a while since your last visit, schedule an appointment at Eyewear Express in Rhinelander, WI. Led by optometrist Dr. Jeff Williquette, this team will help you address vision issues like blurriness and headaches with prescription eyewear and lifestyle recommendations. To learn more about their services, call (715) 365-1515 or visit their website.
