
When the blood vessels in your eyes become irritated or swollen, the white sections turn red. This condition, known as red or bloodshot eyes, has numerous causes. Help your eye care efforts by learning about some of the most common reasons for this symptom below.

Common Causes of Red Eyes

1. Allergies

Pollen, dust, and other allergens can cause itchy, red, irritated eyes. If you experience this symptom along with others, such as coughing, wheezing, congestion, or sneezing, take steps to limit your allergen contact. Note the daily pollen count to plan your errands, keep windows and doors shut, and always change your clothes after being outside. Also, consider allergy testing if your symptoms are severe.

2. Dry Eyes

eye careA lack of humidity in the air can strip your eyes of moisture, leaving them red and irritated. Many other factors also contribute to dry eyes, including smoking cigarettes, taking certain medications, wearing contacts too long, and undergoing hormonal changes. Your local eye care specialist will prescribe drops depending on the cause and make other recommendations, such as using a humidifier and quitting tobacco use.

3. Infections

Several eye infections cause redness, including pink eye, or conjunctivitis. Pink eye symptoms include swelling and discharge in addition to redness and itchiness. Treatment depends on whether the infection is bacterial or viral, but you may use artificial tears or antibiotic drops. Another eye infection that causes redness is blepharitis, which is categorized by inflamed lids and lashes from poor hygiene. Cleaning the eyelids is usually enough to clear up the non-contagious infection.

4. Insufficient Sleep

When you don't get seven to eight hours of sleep each night, your tear ducts can't fully lubricate the eyes, leaving them red and dry. A lack of quality rest can also strain the eyes and cause blood vessels to pop, making white sections temporarily red. If you notice red, itchy eyes from poor sleep, create a sleep schedule for yourself and avoid substances that interfere with rest, including alcohol and caffeine.


Discuss your red eye symptoms with the doctors at The Whitefish Eye Center to determine the cause and create a treatment plan. This eye care facility has served residents throughout Flathead County, MT, since 1969, providing exams, glasses, contacts, and surgery, among other services. Call (406) 862-2020 today to make an appointment, or learn more about their options online.
