
Spaghetti is one of the most well-known and enjoyed Italian foods, and you’ve likely seen it eaten a number of ways. However, there is a correct way to eat it like a true Italian. Whether you’re dining in or visiting a new restaurant, use the following guide on how to eat spaghetti.

How to Eat Spaghetti

The Italian Way

Spaghetti is meant to be twirled. First, place the fork straight down into the pile of noodles. Next, twist your fingers and flick your wrist to rotate the fork and wrap the spaghetti around the tines. The longer and wider the tines, the more spaghetti you’ll get in one bite. Once you’ve wrapped the noodles completely around the tines, lift the fork horizontally and take your bite.

Italian foodMany people wonder if they should use a spoon while enjoying spaghetti. First, push the fork in the spaghetti. Then, press the tines into a spoon held in your other hand. Rotate the fork and use the spoon to keep the wrapped noodles together. To people’s surprise, this style is welcome in some areas of Italy.

Other Considerations

Spaghetti noodles aren’t usually served alone. Twirling the pasta helps get plenty of sauce over the whole dish. It’s acceptable to use the spoon and fork together to toss the pasta in the sauce. If you find long noodles too tricky to twirl, consider cutting them shorter.

Many patrons put a small slice of meatball on the end of their fork before twirling the noodles around. To do it the Italian way, cut from the meatball as you go rather than cutting it up before eating.

If spaghetti noodles are too messy, there are many alternatives to try. Many lovers of Italian food choose penne because it holds sauce well or rigatoni because of the texture. Linguini is similar to spaghetti, though it is wider and flatter, which may make it easier to handle.


If you’re in the mood for Italian food, there’s no better place than Paul's Pasta Shop. This Groton, CT, dining destination has satisfied diners since 1988 and serves a large selection of Italian dishes. Try their fresh pasta or explore the wide variety of delicious dishes on their menu. Call (860) 445-5276 to learn about their catering services and connect on Facebook to receive news and updates.
