
Many homeowners use gravel to give their backyards a fresh look. These crushed stones are a popular landscaping material because they’re durable, affordable, and versatile, as well as quick to install. If you aren’t sure how to use these rocks in your outdoor areas, get inspired by the suggestions below.

How to Use Gravel in Your Landscape

1. Install a Durable Driveway

Although concrete is an attractive material, it’ll crack when exposed to harsh weather conditions, such as rain and hot temperatures. If you swap the pavement for gravel, your driveway can’t fissure, as it’s now made of small rocks. This will save you money on periodic concrete repairs and sealant applications since you’ll only need to lay a fresh layer of stones to restore the look.

2. Create Walkways

gravelGravel comes in an array of colors, sizes, and materials, making it easy to choose a variety that matches your existing landscape design. Since the walkways will be made of small rocks, you can craft them into any shape or width you want, whether it’s a straight strip of gravel or a winding one that walks you past flower beds. Adding a gravel path in your garden also ensures foot traffic doesn’t damage the greenery.

3. Xeriscape

A xeriscape is a low-water landscape designed to conserve water, resulting in lower utility bills. Although many homeowners may think a backyard with gravel isn’t pretty, the rocks can be thoughtfully arranged to create artful zen areas. You can even use several types of gravel, using the combination of different colors and sizes to craft a dynamic, eye-catching landscape design.


If you want to add gravel to your outdoor areas, turn to Sanford’s Service Center in Pahoa, HI. These professionals have provided Big Island homeowners with beautiful, high-quality gravel since 1977. Their materials come from local quarries, allowing their drivers to offer quick delivery to homeowners anywhere on the island. For more information about their services, visit the website or call (808) 965-8144.
