
Packing to move can be an arduous task, but taking a strategical approach will save time and simplify the process. This is especially true when it comes to boxing up the bathroom. Because it’s full of items you use daily, you must ensure everything is organized properly in appropriate packing supplies to allow for a smooth transition to your new home. Here’s an overview of how to move your bathroom necessities with ease.

A Guide to the Bathroom Packing Process

What Challenges Arise With Packing a Bathroom?

Packing up a bathroom is a different experience from packing any other room in the house. There are many challenges you can run into if you aren’t prepared. For example, it can be tricky to keep so many small items like cotton swabs, medicine, toiletries, and makeup, contained. With several liquids to pack, you must be extra cautious to avoid spills. Since the bathroom harbors a lot of moisture, it’s vital to make sure everything is dry before putting it in boxes to prevent mold growth.

Why It’s Important to Declutter

packing suppliesIt’s always important to get organized before you start packing up a room. This will allow you to determine what’s being moved with you and what kind of packing supplies you need. Decluttering makes your packing more efficient and keeps you from relocating items you no longer have use for. The first step is going through each drawer, cabinet, and shelf and sorting everything into categories. Then you can discard damaged, broken, or expired products and decide if there’s anything you want to donate.

Tips for Relocating Your Bathroom Belongings

Once you’ve determined what you’re keeping, set aside the essential items that you use frequently—these should be packed into a bag that’s easily accessible throughout your move. Then gather your packing supplies and line boxes with towels and linens to help protect fragile items and toiletries. Wrap up bottles of liquid and seal them in baggies to reduce leaks and spills. Ensure every box is labeled with its contents so you can easily find what you’re looking for when unpacking in your new home.


If you’re preparing to move, trust Carlton Movers in Cincinnati, OH, to help you navigate the process seamlessly. They offer high-quality packing supplies to transport every type of household item and can assist with all your packing needs. Backed by more than 40 years of experience, these movers will handle your possessions with extreme care and ensure they’re relocated safely and securely. Call (513) 579-0007 to request an estimate, or visit them online for more information on their services.
