
Clinically referred to as halitosis, bad breath is a common yet embarrassing dental issue. Fortunately, there are several potential fixes for the problem. From practicing thorough at-home dental cleaning to addressing dietary causes, here’s what you can do now to achieve fresher breath.

How Can You Combat Bad Breath?

1. Practice Good Dental Habits 

At-home dental cleanings, including brushing after meals and flossing daily, are essential to minimizing odor. In particular, select a toothpaste with fluoride and antibacterial properties, both of which can minimize bad breath. Flossing likewise eliminates food particles, thereby eradicating bacteria which could cause unpleasant smells. You might also want to try tongue scraping, as the tongue can harbor bacteria as well.

2. Avoid Tobacco

Chewing and smoking tobacco aren’t just bad for your health; they’re also likely to wreak havoc on your short-term dental wellness. In addition to yellowing teeth, tobacco products are also a notorious cause of bad breath. Talk to your doctor about healthy ways to kick the habit, such as nicotine patches.

3. Consider Your Diet

dental cleaningNaturally, odorous foods are more likely to cause bad breath. Garlic and onions, in particular, are likely to leave lingering scents. Yet, added sugar is an often-overlooked cause of unpleasant odors. Because the mouth breaks down sugar to create acid, which produces bad breath, it’s best to avoid or consume minimally.

4. Choose Gum Over Mints

Mints can temporarily give your mouth a fresh taste. Yet, they’re often sugar-based and contain acids which attack enamel and cause bad breath. Sugar-free gum, on the other hand, increases saliva to rid the mouth of foul-smelling plaque.

5. Keep Your Mouth Moist

Odor-producing bacteria thrive best in a dry mouth, so aim to keep yours moist. Skip beverages that cause dryness, such as coffee or alcohol, and drink plenty of water. In doing so, you’ll stimulate saliva production, which helps to wash away food particles, thereby keeping bacteria at bay. 


If you’re experiencing bad breath, it’s also possible you’re simply due for a dental cleaning. Whether you have a dental issue or you need to schedule a routine visit, the office of Nelson Hatanaka D.D.S. has all of your oral wellness needs covered. Located in Honolulu, HI, this practice has been voted Top Hawaii Dentist by Honolulu Magazine and offers a comprehensive range of high-quality services. Find out more about the dental office by visiting their website or call (808) 395-1922 to schedule an appointment.
