
If you’ve been experiencing small spots in your vision, you may have eye floaters. While they’re generally harmless, they may be indicators of problems that require the help of an eye doctor. Use the following guide to determine whether you have eye floaters and how you can protect against them in the future.

What You Should Know About Eye Floaters

Eye Floaters & Their Causes

Eye floaters are small gray or black spots in your vision that move across your eyes when you’re looking at an object. They may appear in a variety of different shapes, such as rings, squiggly lines, and dots. Floaters may also seem to dart out of view when you try to look directly at them.

The majority of eye floaters are brought about by age-related changes. The vitreous fluid that fills the back of your eyes can shrink, forming floating debris that blocks your vision. Eye floaters are more common among people aged 50 and older. Eye injuries, eye diseases, and eye surgeries can also cause floaters to appear.

Treatment & Prevention

eye doctorIn most cases, eye floaters don’t require medical treatment. After a while, your brain may get used to them and begin ignoring them. When you do get an eye floater, look up and down to shift them away from your direct field of vision.

If eye floaters are severely affecting your vision, your eye doctor may recommend getting a vitrectomy. During this surgical procedure, your doctor will remove the vitreous humor from your eye and replace it with a saline solution.

While it may not be possible to entirely prevent eye floaters, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of developing them, such as eating a healthy diet, wearing sunglasses outside, and wearing protective eyewear when necessary.


If you’re dealing with eye floaters, turn to Dr. Ron Sealock in Dothan, AL. This eye doctor offers professional eye care services for the entire family and wants all his patients to achieve a lifetime of clear vision. From eye exams to glaucoma screenings, Dr. Sealock provides a variety of services and flexible financing options. To learn more information about his services, call (334)-793-9607 or visit his website.
