
In Alabama, 20% of the state’s population depends on privately owned water wells for their drinking water. Well owners are solely responsible for assuring that their drinking supply is safe and for the quality of its taste. One of the best ways to do so is through water well services such as routine inspections and water treatment systems. 

Why You Need a Water Well Treatment System

1. Your Water Will Be Safer to Consumewater-well-services-alabama

Contamination of well water can occur at no fault of your own, and while filtration systems can protect against many problems, not all contaminants can be filtered out. In addition to a filtration device, the best water well treatment systems also contain water softeners or treatments such as continuous pellet chlorination, UV light, or reverse osmosis systems. A treatment system should be installed only after your well water has been analyzed by a well water services specialist to determine which solution is needed. For example, chemical analysis will determine if manmade contaminants such as gasoline or pesticides in nearby groundwater have impacted your drinking supply so that the proper system can be applied.

2. Your Water Will Be Healthier

In addition to chemicals, well water is susceptible to bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can negatively impact your health. Water well treatment systems sanitize and remove these harmful contaminants without leaving dangerous disinfection by-products behind. Without a complete treatment system, single chlorine treatments can leave disease- and cancer-causing residue in your water supply. 

3. It Removes Hard Water

Hard water, which has high mineral content, isn’t harmful to one’s health, but it can damage your home’s plumbing and appliances. Sediments and mineral deposits can build up and harden inside washing machines, piping, and faucets. Water well service contractors can install a water softening system along with a water well treatment system to prevent this damage without disrupting the taste. 


If you need water well services in Chancellor, AL, Edgar & Jerry Hughes Well Drilling Enterprise can help. The trusted contractor specializes in water well repairs, pump installations, and inspections, and their experienced team can recommend and install the best water well treatment systems for your needs. Call (334) 347-1147 to request a free estimate or visit their website for more information.
