
If left unaddressed, cavities can lead to permanent tooth damage and require major dental surgeries. Luckily, they will leave behind symptoms that can prompt you to see a dentist for a tooth filling. Below are three of the most common indications that you may have a cavity. 

What Are the Signs of Tooth Decay?

1. Bad Breath

If you brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis and still notice that your breath smells bad, or you have a bad taste in your mouth, you should have a dentist inspect your mouth for cavities.

The deeper that cavities penetrate, the more food and bacteria that can build in your tooth and produce rancid-smelling breath.

2. Sensitivity or Pain

tooth fillingWhen drinking a hot or cold beverage, you may feel a sharp pain in or around one tooth. Cavities will make your teeth more sensitive, allowing hot or cold temperatures to penetrate into the tooth and cause sudden, sharp pain. 

Also, if you feel prolonged pain in a specific area of your mouth, you may need a filling in one or more teeth. If you suffer from a consistent throb or returning pain, you should deal with it right away. Do not put off a dental appointment or the infection may become more severe, requiring a root canal instead of a tooth filling. 

3. A Hole on Your Tooth

You may feel a rough area or see a dark spot forming on top of your tooth. These are the beginning signs of a hole forming. A cavity has most likely created the hole and you will need to have it filled before it causes you any more damage. 

Older fillings in your mouth can sometimes loosen and detach from your tooth, leaving space for bacteria and food to wedge in and rot. If the filling falls out completely, the weak tooth is at risk of decaying further and even breaking. 


If you feel any of the above symptoms of tooth decay, call Brandi Prather, DMD, PSC in Somerset, KY. For over 10 years, Dr. Brandi has provided premium dental care for all ages — from tooth fillings to routine cleanings. Call at (606) 679-5437 to schedule an appointment or visit her website for more information.
