
A cat who has not been spayed will go into her first heat when she is between six and 10 months of age. This means that she is in the fertile period of her natural reproductive cycle, and she will be looking for another cat with whom to mate. Female cats usually give off some clear signs when they are in heat. Learn a few of these signs below, as well as what to do when you see them.

Signs of a Cat in Heat

spayOne of the most obvious indicators of a cat in heat is a marked increase in her vocalization. She will meow, cry, and moan, and these sounds are usually loud and distressing. She will also become more agitated, finding it impossible to get comfortable and experiencing a heightened restlessness and anxiety.

She might try to get outside in an attempt to find a mate, and you may see her rubbing against legs or furniture or requiring more than her usual amount of attention. Her attitude will often turn pushy and demanding. When you pet her spine, you might notice that she wiggles or raises her hind end. Some cats will spray indoors during their heat cycle.

What to Do

The healthiest solution is to schedule a spay procedure. Not only are you alleviating her distress, but spaying helps control the population of unwanted pets in the world. In the meantime, keep her isolated from male cats.

When you're ready to have your cat spayed, trust our team at Nutmeg Spay/Neuter Clinic. We offer spay and neuter services to pets throughout the Stratford, CT, region. Since opening our doors, we have provided low-cost spay and neuter procedures to more than 32,000 area pets. Call (203) 690-1550 to schedule an appointment and visit our website for additional information.
