
Prayer is an exciting and rewarding part of exploring your new faith. However, many people struggle with what to say when they begin praying. If you’re having a hard time getting started, take comfort knowing you’re not alone. Use these tips to make your experience more rewarding and powerful.

3 Tips for Those New to Prayer

1. Avoid Distractions

Finding the right environment will help ease the pressure of praying. While you can pray anytime and anywhere, you may find it easier to focus without any distractions.

Find a quiet place where you can be alone. Turn your phone off or put on the “do not disturb” setting to keep notification chimes or ringtones from interrupting you. It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting or kneeling, as long as your comfortable.

2. Begin By Giving Thanks

dickinson prayerPrayer is not just about asking for guidance or assistance. Begin each session by thanking God for each aspect of your life that you are grateful for. Showing gratitude and appreciation for your family and home life, your job, or even the strength and grace to overcome difficult situations can foster a more positive emotional connection. Having a grateful heart will strengthen your faith.

3. Ask for Guidance

Prayer is an opportunity to ask for guidance. This can be about anything, including career decisions you’re grappling with, concerns about how to better support your family members, or moral struggles you’re worried about.

Do not be frustrated if you feel like you don’t get immediate feedback—God rarely communicates this way. Focus on the issue you’re concerned about and look for guidance and cues in each aspect of your life. You may find the answer or solution you need during a scripture study or discussion with a loved one.


Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church will guide you through the new exploration of your faith, including prayer. Reverend Kevin Reeves is a passionate pastor who delivers insightful worship services and is dedicated to empowering the individuals and community of Dickinson, TX. This non-profit Christian organization also offers Bible studies with peers on Wednesday evenings. Learn more on their website, or by calling (409) 218-9339.
