
While you might need a humidifier during the winter, most Alabama homeowners experience the opposite issue in summer. Excessively humid air is uncomfortable, making you feel hot and sweaty even if the temperature is low. Keeping humidity levels between 30% and 50% will also reduce your risk of mold growth. Here are some tips to help you control the moisture in your home.

How to Reduce Indoor Humidity

1. Install a Dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers collect moisture from the air by using refrigerated coils, which then deposit the water in a container that you must periodically empty. Some dehumidifiers attach to a furnace air handler and affect the entire home, but others work as standalone units in specific rooms. A whole-house system is more effective at reducing overall humidity, but smaller room-based devices are easier to maintain. Areas with considerable moisture, such as bathrooms or the basement, are the best places for these models.

2. Use Ceiling Fans

humidifierCeiling fans circulate the air, helping it feel less hot. The breeze encourages moisture in the air to evaporate, reducing humidity. If you do not have enough ceiling fans to do this effectively, the air conditioner will also help. It actively introduces cool, dry air into your house while displacing the warm, humid air. Regularly running your unit will keep humidity levels under control.

3. Shower Smarter

A hot, steamy shower will raise your indoor humidity levels considerably. Taking slightly cooler showers will reduce how much steam you add to the air. You can further reduce the heat impact of showering by turning on the ventilation fan when using the bathroom. These fans vent the air outside to keep your home comfortable. If you don’t have an exhaust fan, open a window to let in fresh air from outside.


Whether you need AC repairs or a new humidifier, count on L&S Air Inc. in Grand Bay, AL. Serving the Alabama Gulf Coast since 1980, these licensed and insured HVAC contractors can handle both residential and commercial work. To learn more about their humidifier installations and other services, visit them online. Call (251) 865-5174 to schedule an appointment.
