
When you're injured due to someone else's negligence, the law gives you the right to sue to claim damages for your losses. However, even when the other party is clearly at fault, the insurance company and the complexity of the legal process can make getting the compensation you deserve extremely difficult. Pater, Pater & Halverson Co. has personal injury attorneys with more than a century of experience defending the rights of Hamilton residents.  They also  provided helpful tips to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

  • Hire An Attorney: Many people attempt to navigate the insurance process alone, only to accept the first offer the insurance company makes. Having an experienced professional on your side who understands the law and every step of the legal process will dramatically increase your chances for success.
  • Take Detailed Notes: Along with your doctor's visits and missed work, take note of each time your injuries have negatively impacted your life. This will help your attorney arrive at an accurate and fair evaluation of your case.
  • Act Quickly: While you may think waiting until you're fully recovered to sue may be in your best interests, in reality you only have a limited time in which to file your lawsuit. In most states, you must file your suit within two years of your injury, otherwise you can lose the ability to pursue damages.

If you're considering hiring a personal injury or wrongful death attorney, visit Pater, Pater & Halverson Co. online or call (513) 867-1411 to schedule a consultation today.
