
Think of car manuals as treasure troves of information about specific makes and models. They provide vehicle owners with reference material for learning more about their cars, including troubleshooting techniques that save time and prevent wear. Here, review some of the most important auto maintenance information your manual offers so you know where to look when you need assistance.

What Information Can I Find in My Car Manual?

1. Vehicle Setup & Feature Instructions

Learn how to set up your modern car and use its features. Your manual provides information on delayed lighting, keyless entry, Bluetooth, sound system decibel thresholds, voice recognition, and parking assistance. Learn what each button and switch does so you never feel overwhelmed or confused.

2. Best Driving Practices

auto maintenanceDrive your vehicle keeping the manufacturer’s suggestions in mind to avoid premature wear and tear, frequent visits to the gas pump, and unnecessary auto repairs.

Your manual provides braking instructions, tips for driving safely and improving fuel economy, and what to do if your vehicle features a manual transmission, such as hitting the clutch before turning the car off and back on if you stall.

3. Maintenance Recommendations

Use your manual to create an auto maintenance schedule. Follow recommendations regarding oil changes and other fluid checks, the type of gas to use, tune-ups, and tire rotations, as well as brake pad, battery, spark plug, and windshield wiper replacements.

The manual also provides instructions for cleaning your car to avoid issues, such as tarnished paint, scratches, and rust, and outlines quick fixes, including jump starting the battery or changing a flat tire.

4. Technical Data

The technical information can help auto maintenance technicians diagnose issues quickly, including the engine size, vehicle dimensions for body work purposes, tire and wheel sizes, and warning light information.

Warning lights are part of your car’s computer system, and the manual explains what each light looks like and what it can mean when it illuminates. The ‘Check Engine’ light, for example, can indicate problems with the engine or auto parts related to its operation, such as the oxygen sensor or ignition coils. 


Schedule routine auto maintenance with Jim's Auto Clinic, the repair shop serving drivers throughout Cincinnati, OH, and the surrounding areas, including Northern Kentucky and Indiana, since 1974. Call the ASE-certified technicians today at (513) 662-6696 to make an appointment or visit the auto maintenance center online for the latest specials. Get additional tips on Facebook.
