
Tooth decay is a dental problem that affects people of all ages. Often caused by a combination of poor dental care and diet, cavities are areas of tooth enamel that have been eaten away by oral bacteria. Identifying cavities early on, and seeking timely treatment from a dentist, is the best course of action to prevent more serious dental issues from occurring. Below, learn how to tell if you have a cavity. 

How to Tell If You Have a Cavity

1. Frequent Toothaches

While some people experience tooth sensitivity on a regular basis, toothaches are an indication of a larger problem. When cavities make their way into the pulp, which is the middle of the tooth made up of numerous nerves, pain and discomfort are likely. Toothaches linked to cavities often occur suddenly, but hot and cold food and beverages can also cause them when teeth are compromised by decay. 

2. Swollen Gums

It’s true that gum disease is the most common cause of swollen or bleeding gums. However, cavities along the gum line can cause the same symptoms, particularly when brushing or flossing. In either case, a dentist can perform an examination to get to the root of the issue and provide a suitable treatment. 

3. Bad Breath

dentistWhile bad breath can occur due to something you ate, tooth decay is another common cause. In this case, you may find that you can’t seem to get rid of your bad breath, no matter how much you brush or rinse with mouthwash. This problem could stem from the oral bacteria responsible for causing the cavity, which is especially true with pervasive cavities. 

4. Spots & Marks on Teeth

All cavities start small and grow bigger over time. In addition to dark brown spots, cavities can also appear white at first, which is caused by mineral loss. Eventually, these spots will develop into holes and larger craters. Once a cavity has reached a certain point, a filling will be needed to stop bacteria from causing even more damage to the enamel. 


Some cavities can cause no signs or symptoms at all, which illustrates the importance of regular visits to the dentist for checkups and cleanings. In China Grove, NC, local patients put their trust in Daniel M. Hamrick, DDS. Dr. Hamrick takes the time to get to know his patients on a personal level to put their minds at ease. If you do develop a cavity, he offers treatments like fillings, crowns, and root canals, which can address substantial cavities. Call (704) 857-7497 today to schedule an appointment. You can also visit the website to prepare for your first appointment. 
