
Roofs in Hawaii can be affected by UV rays from the sun, salty ocean breezes, and hurricane-force winds. That’s why routine roof maintenance is essential to protect your home. In addition to regular inspections, it’s important not to overlook cleanings. 

Why You Should Clean Your Roof

Cleaning offers the chance to inspect the roof for damage and vulnerabilities even as it prevents damage from occurring. Gutter cleaning is the most common part of roof maintenance. If debris builds up in the gutters over time, it can block the flow of rainwater meant to drain away from your roof and instead cause it to back up. Puddles of water on the roof can lead to deck decay or loose shingles, both of which can cause leaks.

roof-maintenance-hawaiiYou should also periodically trim tree branches away from the roof and clear away broken branches and piles of leaves on the surface. Such debris can encourage water damage and rot. It can also clog roof vents and fixtures, which allows moisture to enter the attic, roof deck, and walls of your home. 

When You Should Clean 

Consult a roofing contractor at least once a year for an inspection and cleaning. The tasks needed can be risky for untrained individuals without the correct equipment. 

A professional will take numerous factors into consideration when determining how often your home needs roof maintenance. For example, aging roofs need more frequent inspections and cleanings to prevent significant damage. Therefore, a contractor might recommend biannual visits. 


Keep up with roof maintenance with the assistance of Tory’s Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc. For almost 50 years, their team has provided superior roofing services to residents of Pearl City, HI, and across Oahu. Call (808) 456-5990 to request an inspection estimate, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
