
With the average life expectancy on the rise, and economic uncertainty making it harder for younger generations to achieve financial independence, multigenerational homes have become increasingly common. If you're considering home remodeling to meet the privacy and accessibility needs of your family, use the following guide for tips to help you make the most of your space.

How to Remodel for a Large Family

1. Renovate Your Kitchen

The kitchen is the most heavily used room in your house, and it must be accessible to all members of your family.

To make your kitchen more adaptable to multigenerational living, consider increasing your counter space and adding a second, possibly lower, sink that can be accessed by someone in a wheelchair and young children. Easy-use faucets, doorknobs, and drawer pulls are also beneficial for children and individuals with arthritis or otherwise aging hands.

2. Finish Your Basement

imageFinishing your basement is a cost-effective way to maximize the usable living space in your home without having to add square footage. Add valuable bedrooms and bathrooms, a larger family room, or even additional storage. If space allows, consider converting your basement into a private apartment with a secondary entry point, a kitchenette, and a full bathroom to give your adult children personal space, and the freedom to come and go without disrupting the household.

3. Optimize Your Floorplan

Shared living spaces such as the family room, kitchen, and dining room are common in a multigenerational household. Still, everyone must have an area of their own to foster a sense of independent living.

For larger home remodeling projects, consider optimizing your existing spaces by converting your first-floor master into a private suite with a separate entry point. To make the space safer for seniors, add grab bars, a bench seat, and a walk-in shower in the bathroom. Turn empty bedrooms into quiet areas, such as a private study, a gym, or even a playroom for young children.


If you're considering home remodeling to accommodate your multigenerational family, contact the professionals at Prowork Pacific Inc in Honolulu, HI. Their expert team has a keen eye for creating beautiful and efficient luxury home designs to maximize space and accessibility for families of all sizes. Contact them today at (808) 384-3388 to schedule a consultation, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
