
When you hear the word “hypnosis,” what do you think of? Maybe images of swinging stopwatches and spinning circles spring to mind. However, hypnosis is also a powerful therapeutic tool that can help you address sensitive memories and break negative behavior patterns. To help you understand hypnosis better, the guide below dispels some common myths about the process.

What Are the Common Misconceptions About Hypnosis?

1. Hypnosis Is a Magical Art

In media, it’s common for hypnosis to be depicted as a devious art wielded by villainous figures, hypnotizing unsuspecting souls to do their bidding. Despite its power, hypnosis has nothing to do with magical or mystical arts. Instead, hypnosis is the process of putting your mind in a more suggestible state to access subconscious thoughts and memories. When led by a professional hypnotherapist, hypnosis sessions allow you to bypass your normal mental routines and treat conditions like insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain, and even help you quit smoking or lose weight. Your hypnotherapist is there to help guide you, not control you.

2. Hypnosis Is Embarrassing

hypnosisIf you’ve ever witnessed a stage hypnosis routine or seen one in movies, you might be worried that you’ll be induced to quack like a duck or share deep secrets that you don’t entrust your hypnotherapist with. However, a professional hypnosis session is far different from a stage act. You’ll meet one-on-one with your hypnotherapist, and they won’t pressure you to do anything you don’t want to.

3. Hypnosis Is Unnatural

It may seem strange to enter a hypnotized state, but you actually enter a similar mental state at least twice a day. This occurs as you’re falling asleep and when you’re waking up, as your mind bridges the gap between conscious and unconscious. You can also enter a hypnotic state while reading, watching TV, or driving, when you allow your subconscious routines to take precedent.


Do you need help forming better habits and getting a new lease on life? Let the team at Hypnosis Works Wonders help you. Based in Marietta, GA, they can help you address addictions like smoking and binge eating. To learn more about their services or schedule an appointment, call (404) 245-1530.
