
When a couple divorces or legally separates, continuing to provide a stable, loving home for their children is a priority. To ensure the child’s best interests are protected, the court will decide which parent should have legal and/or physical custody or whether the responsibilities will be shared. Understand your chances of being granted the child custody terms you want by learning about the following factors a court considers when deciding.

3 Contributing Factors to Child Custody Decisions

1. Child’s Preference

The child’s preference is considered as long as they’re old enough to understand what the judge is asking and are basing their responses on rational thinking.

The court will take into account the relationship your child has with each parent. The judge may interview your little one to get a sense of the dynamics they have with each individual. A qualified social worker might also be tasked with speaking to the child and presenting their findings to the court.

2. Each Parent’s Work Obligations

Lincoln, Nebraska child custodyHow much time each parent devotes to their job can also influence who receives physical custody. Knowing how much time a parent spends in the office or traveling for work sheds light on how much time they are able to spend seeing to their child’s daily needs.

3. Each Parent’s Health

Raising children takes mental and physical stamina. The courts will take each parent’s physical health into consideration when deciding custody matters.

While reviewing each party’s medical history, the judge will look for physical disabilities or mental health conditions that could negatively affect the ability to be a full-time parent. A parent with a disability might be granted visitation rights or partial custody instead of sole physical custody.


For sound legal advice regarding child custody matters and to get the preferred outcome from your divorce proceedings, contact the family law attorney at Payne Law Office in Lincoln, NE. This family court lawyer offers mediation and personalized service to help clients throughout Lancaster County start the next chapter of their lives. For a free consultation, call (402) 477-7246.
