
One of the undoubted advantages of modern life is indoor plumbing, which carries waste to your sewer line where it either travels to a municipal treatment facility or to the drain field of a septic system, where the water is cleaned. However, on occasion, a problem with your sewer line can disrupt this process, resulting in backup and water damage. The following looks at some of the signs that yours requires repair.

When Do You Need Sewer Line Repairs?

1. Foul Smells

If your drains or your yard smell of waste, your sewer line might have developed a leak or a crack due to the age of the pipes or environmental stress that has been placed upon them. For example, shifting soil can cause your pipes to move until they break. If you utilize a septic system, a foul odor could indicate a faulty or failing drain field that needs to be replaced.

2. Drain Problems

plumbingIf one sink or toilet in your house drains slowly, it likely has a clog that can be removed with a plunger or drain snake. However, if multiple fixtures have this problem, the clog might be further up the system—such as in your sewer line. This could be due to a buildup of sediment, the accidental flushing of a foreign object, or tree roots may have invaded your underground pipes. A contractor will use a flexible camera to examine your plumbing and determine the issue.

3. Puddles in Yard

If you have leaky pipes under your yard or a leaking septic tank, puddles may appear on your lawn unexpectedly. In addition, you may also notice patches of brighter, taller, lusher grass than elsewhere in your yard, as their roots feed on the organic material found in wastewater.

4. Weak Pressure & Increasing Bills

While low water pressure has many causes, it could be because of a leak in your sewer lines that is stopping water from reaching your faucet or showerhead. Your utility bills will likely also go up in this case from excess water use. Whether or not the sewer is the problem, call a contractor to investigate the issue to avoid wasting resources.


Are you experiencing any of these plumbing problems? Start Now Construction in Pasadena, TX, installs, maintains, and repairs pipes, septic tanks, and water heaters. They’re also available 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. Read some of their testimonials online, and call (713) 992-1697 for an estimate.
