
With the economic impacts of the pandemic, unemployment rates have spiked. If you’ve lost a job due to layoffs and company restructuring, alumni events can help you make business connections and open new doors. Here are a few ways to use an alumni association to find a new job.

4 Tips to Find a Job Through Your Alumni Association

1. Check Your School Website

Many schools have a special section of their website dedicated to resources for past students. This portal may contain anything from upcoming alumni events to job openings with the school or affiliated groups. Check your school’s website to find out if there are any positions you might be a candidate for.

2. Contact Professional Advisors

alumni eventsEven if you graduated several years ago, don’t be afraid to reach out to the professional career counselors at your school. They can provide guidance on today’s career outlook. They also have close ties to the community and can keep you posted if a position becomes available that you have the credentials for.

3. Attend Alumni Events

Attending alumni events is another way to learn more about which job industries are hiring. By connecting with old classmates and establishing new contacts, you can broaden your search for the right career. Exchange business cards so you can follow up on any leads.

4. Visit Career Fairs

Most schools host a career fair for pending graduates, but as a past student, you can still take advantage of this opportunity. Visit the career fair to see what the current job climate is and which industries are hiring. Don’t be afraid to look outside the box at a career you may not have originally considered; your experience can prove invaluable to new companies.


If you were a graduate of St. Louis School in Honolulu, HI, there are several alumni-specific services the St. Louis Alumni Association provides. From planned alumni events to networking and business opportunities, this association can offer you the connections you need to find your next job. To learn more about this group, visit them online or call (808) 949-6633.
