
Chlorine is added to water to keep the pool sanitized, kill bacteria, and stop the spread of disease. However, eye doctors recommend taking steps to protect your eyes when you use a pool. The guide below will help you to learn more about the effects of chlorine on the eyes and how to prevent problems. 

How Chlorine Affects Your Eyes

You have probably noticed that after swimming, your eyes often feel a little sore and tired, and they may have a red appearance. This is the effect of chlorine, which is an irritant. The chemical also removes the tear film that coats the corneas in your eyes, leaving them exposed.

The tear film protects the cornea and keeps eyes moist, so when it is removed, you are more likely to suffer dry eyes and infections. Any bacteria that is still in the water can cause an eye infection, such as conjunctivitis.

Tips to Protect Your Eyes

eye doctorRemove any contact lenses, as wearing them while swimming puts you at risk of developing a condition called acanthamoeba keratitis. This is caused by an ameba that lives in water, and it can get stuck between a contact lens and the cornea, where it may cause an infection. The problem is rare, but it can result in blindness. 

Whether or not you wear contact lenses, it’s important to reduce the impact of chlorine on your eyes. Using over-the-counter eye drops before and after swimming will help to keep your eyes lubricated.

You can also talk to your eye doctor about prescription drops, as well as a solution for dry eye called gel tears. Wear goggles to keep chlorine and bacteria away from your eyes and wash your eyes after swimming. Drinking plenty of water will keep your body hydrated and your eyes moist.


If you have eye problems after swimming, or you require advice on protective steps, make an appointment with Eric G. Stocker, OD in Amherst, OH. The trusted eye doctor has served the area for almost 30 years, and the team offers a full range of treatments, including diabetic eye exams, and glaucoma and cataracts treatments. They also provide affordable eyeglasses and contact lenses. To learn more, call (440) 988-4419 or visit their website
