
Looking for a healthy, easy to make snack for the weekend? Consider Pa amb tomàquet, or Pan con tomate. This traditional food from the Spanish Mediterranean coast will win the hearts of everyone in your house.

To prepare it, all you need is a big slice of bread, olive oil, a ripe tomato, and salt. Toast the bread, cut the tomato in half without removing the skin, take one half, face the juicy part toward the bread, and spread the content out by pressing hard on the bread until it is red in its entirety. Pour a little olive oil and add a dash of salt over the bread and you are done. Don’t worry about the tomato seeds, they will make it even tastier! 

The secret to a tasty tomato bread is, of course, the bread. For this snack we recommend pan payés because it has a hard crust, dense crumb and small honeycomb that make it perfect for this recipe. Europan offers two varieties: white and multigrain. The bread is already sliced, so all you have to do is toast it and create your own dish. 
