
Debt isn’t always bad. In many cases, accumulating it is necessary for pursuing an education or making a big purchase, such as a vehicle or home. However, if you’re wondering whether it’s time to file for bankruptcy, chances are your debts need to be reevaluated. As you prepare to pay off your debts, here are some important tips to keep in mind.

A Guide to Paying Off Debt

1. Establish a Budget

First, you need to understand how much money is coming in and where it’s going. Determine your income and costs for each month. Consider cutting nonessential expenses, such as subscription services, and limiting spending to the bare minimum. Staying on track with your budget means you will be able to pay off loans sooner.

2. Focus on the Greatest Debt First

Treat your debt payment as a monthly cost, too. By setting aside funds for repayment, you may be able to pay more than the minimum each month. Focus on the largest expense first, such as the credit card with the highest interest. This will make it easier to gradually pay off what you owe and avoid the need to file for bankruptcy.

3. Stop Using Your Credit Card

file for bankruptcyGenerating more debt while you’re aiming to pay off what you owe will only set you back further. To that end, avoid using your credit card until you’re debt-free. Using cash is less convenient, but this can work in your favor as you decide whether you really need to make purchases or not.

4. Find Creative Sources of Income

Having a little extra money coming in makes it easier to surpass minimum payments and start making progress on your debts. Think about how to make additional cash, whether it’s taking on side jobs, becoming a part-time driver for a ridesharing service, or selling unwanted items.

5. Look for Additional Ways to Save

As you become more conscious of your spending habits, you may also discover new ways to save. From making low-cost meals that generate plenty of leftovers to hitting the library instead of purchasing books, there are always ways to cut back on spending.


Even if you’ve begun to establish savvy financial practices, your debt may still feel overwhelming. If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, contact William C. Rieth in Rochester, NY. This dedicated bankruptcy attorney has more than 25 years of experience helping individuals and businesses settle their debt as efficiently as possible. Call (585) 232-6520 to set up a consultation. 
