
Adding a fence to your property can increase curb appeal and provide privacy and security, especially if you want to contain children and pets. However, if your property isn’t flat, fence installation can be a bit tricky. A professional contractor can typically find ways to overcome these issues, but knowing what to expect can help you choose the best option for your property.

How Hills Affect Fence Installation 

1. Uneven Grade

The gentle, rolling hills of your yard might be beautiful, but they can make the fence installation a challenge. When the land has varying grades—meaning changes in elevation—you have two choices. You can level the ground with fill and heavy equipment, creating a flat, even surface, or design the fence to fit the grade. The first option can be expensive and may not be feasible, but if there’s only a small uneven area, your contractor might recommend it to prevent complications with the fencing. 

2. Leveling Posts

fence installationFence installations on hills are best left to the professionals, as ensuring that the posts are straight and level can be challenging for the average DIYer. Merely placing the post hole digger on the slope correctly can be difficult, and unless the posts are installed perfectly, the finished fence is likely to be crooked and uneven at the very least. 

3. Drainage Issues

Another problem with varying elevations is that low lying areas are more susceptible to drainage issues. Unless there is proper drainage, heavy rains can lead to pooling in the low spots, which can ultimately cause structural problems with your fence when the fence posts decay or shift in the wet ground. Again, grading might be a solution, or the contractor may recommend making changes to your yard to improve the drainage. 

4. Finding the Slope

Finding the slope of the hill is necessary to fence installation, as it determines the size and angle of the panels and the correct placement of the posts. Without knowing the slope, there’s a risk that panels and posts will be cut incorrectly, leading to waste. Depending on the type of materials used, the slope of the hill might require using more posts and placing them closer together in some spots, creating an uneven appearance. 


Don’t tackle the challenge of hillside fence installation on your own. Instead, turn to Morris Fence Co. These Statesboro-based contractors have been the area’s go-to experts since 1973. From pickets to privacy, they provide a range of fencing options to suit your needs and style. Call (912) 587-5536 to speak with a friendly team member and schedule a consultation. To learn more about their services, visit the website
