
As a parent, the health of your children ranks high among your priorities. And while many parents take their children to the family doctor when they are ill, there are numerous benefits to scheduling annual wellness exams for your kids. Review reasons to make checkups a yearly occurrence here.

Why Wellness Exams Benefit Your Children

1. Preventative Help

Think of annual checkups as health “report cards” for each of your children. They identify any issues and treat them before they have the opportunity to worsen and cause more pain, such as ear and bladder infections.

Family doctors also provide tips for keeping your children healthy, such as diet and exercise recommendations, or suggestions for dealing with health problems such as asthma and allergies. Preventative medicine additionally includes immunizations that protect children from many diseases.

2. Growth & Development Assessments

family doctorUse yearly health checkups as a way to track your children’s development. Examinations check the health of your children from the head down, including their vital signs, weights and heights, and eyes, ears, and skin. If you are concerned about one of your children’s development for any reason, your family doctor will let you know whether the issue is typical or requires additional care to keep the young one healthy.

3. Answers to Any Questions

Ask development questions or anything else related to your children’s health and wellness during annual examinations. Be completely honest about your concerns so your family doctor can determine a treatment course, such as making dietary changes or increasing physical activity levels. Consider making a list of questions before the appointment so you remember everything you want to ask.

4. Peace of Mind

Enjoy the peace of mind annual health checks provide. They allow you to stay ahead of any issues and raise children who take their health seriously. The more your children get used to preventative medicine services, the more likely they will continue taking care of their health as adults, especially if you make your wellness a necessity and therefore provide a good example. 


Take care of your loved ones with annual exams from Walton Family Medicine PC in Monroe, GA. The family doctor at this renowned facility offers preventative medicine services among many others that help area residents remain proactive about their health. Call (770) 267-7093 today to make an appointment or learn more about health services online.
