
Having an efficient heating and air system is essential for the comfort of your home. When your HVAC unit acts up, it can be challenging to determine if it needs to be repaired or if it would be more beneficial to just go ahead and replace it. There are ways you can differentiate between the two options, however. Use this guide to learn more about what signs indicate you need to replace your HVAC unit.

Signs It Can Be Repaired

Some issues with your heating and air system have an easy fix. For instance, if your HVAC unit begins to make unusual noises, this could indicate that the fan motor needs more lubrication or there is debris caught in the fan blades.

If your air quality is poor, this could mean the motor needs a tuneup or the components need cleaning. Some malfunctions with your heating and air system could be due to an issue with your ductwork.

heating and airExperiencing random hot and cold spots in the home is a sign of an issue with the ductwork, and leaky ducts can also pollute the air in your home. Either way, these issues are minor; a contractor will only have to tighten loose components or do a thorough cleaning to solve the issue.

Signs It Needs to Be Replaced

The age of your HVAC unit can help determine if it needs to be replaced. In general, these systems can last for 12 to 14 years with regular maintenance.

If your unit has exceeded this timeline, it may need replacing. This is especially true if it seems like the unit is in constant need of repairs. In the long run, purchasing a replacement should cost less than paying for multiple repairs.

There have also been various technological advances that can help you save energy and money on your utility bills. The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) can help determine the effectiveness of a unit. If your unit is 15 years or older, you should invest in one of these newer models.

When in doubt, you can always abide by the $5,000 rule. Take the age of your HVAC unit and multiply it by the cost of the needed repairs. If the sum is greater than $5,000, you’d be better off replacing your heating and air system entirely.


If you’re looking to repair or replace your heating and air system, contact C & S Heating and Cooling in Wentzville, MO. This family-owned and -operated business can solve any HVAC issue or install a new, high-quality unit for an affordable price. In addition, they can work on geothermal heat pumps, humidifiers, and more. For more information on the services they offer, visit them online or call (636) 327-4238.
