
Dealing with fleas and ticks biting their fur can be an itchy nuisance for your pet, and, in some cases, transmit potentially serious diseases. For these reasons, it's important to protect both your pet and home from a possible infestation. Below are a few tips, recommended by veterinarians, that will help you in this process.


Flea and tick preventatives come in many forms: oral medications, topical ointments, wearable collars, and shampoos. Dogs and cats—even indoor cats—should be on at least one of these treatments, most of which need to be used or administered on an ongoing basis for maximum effectiveness. Consult your veterinarian for the best flea and tick preventative for your pet.

How to Look for Fleas & Ticks

veterinarianEven if your pet is on a treatment regime, check them for fleas and ticks whenever they come in from outside. Use both your hands and a flea comb to inspect their fur, bearing in mind that fleas and ticks are drawn to the areas of the body that naturally generate more heat, like the ears, paws, lips, rump, and underneath the tail.

If you find fleas, remove as many as possible with the comb and promptly give the pet a bath, preferably with a medicated shampoo. Lastly, talk to your veterinarian to ensure the insects did not cause any further harm. 

What to Do to Keep Your Home Clean 

Fleas and ticks can easily burrow into a pet's fur and cling to a person's clothing, so both humans and animals are at risk for bringing these pests indoors unnoticed. A diligent cleaning regimen will help eradicate them while creating a clean environment that naturally disinterests them.

Vacuum your home every day, especially the areas where your pets tend to sit, sleep, or congregate. Wash your bedding at least once a week. Spray the air with an air freshener containing essential oils of peppermint, rosemary, or eucalyptus—which are all-natural flea and tick repellants.


A veterinarian will be your ally in keeping your beloved pets safe from fleas and ticks. Thompson Animal Medical Center serves patients throughout the La Crosse County, WI, region. They are a full-service veterinary clinic offering pet wellness exams, vaccines, spay and neuter procedures, and much more. Call (608) 788-8820 or visit them online to schedule an appointment.
