
Whether you’re revamping an existing office or establishing a brand new business, the color scheme is a crucial design decision. Not only can colors affect aesthetics, but they can also impact mood. Here’s a helpful guide to understanding color psychology and how to select the right shades for your interior painting project. 

How Color Affects Mood 

Research shows colors can trigger emotional responses. Red, for instance, can evoke passion or anger, while orange can stimulate the appetite. Yellow can make a person feel cheery, while blue can evoke a sense of tranquility. Some colors are associated with physiological responses, including eyestrain, increased blood pressure, and increased metabolism. 

Many businesses leverage color psychology in branding. For example, fast-food chains use red, orange, or yellow to stimulate the appetite, while children’s brands use pastels such as lavender, sky blue, and sunshine yellow to evoke happiness or contentment. You can apply the same principles with interior painting. The colors you choose contribute to the atmosphere of your office. When chosen wisely, they can promote productivity and creativity while maintaining your brand image. 

How to Choose Colors

interior-painting-O'Fallon-MOConsider your brand and the message you want to send to employees as well as visitors. Research indicates 87.7% of consumers say color factors into their purchase decisions. When a client visits, how do you want them to feel? Yellow can convey optimism, for instance, while orange can express confidence. Muted tones, such as beige and gray, can suggest dignity and professionalism, while bright, bold hues are typically appropriate for creative businesses and youthful startups. 

The same principles apply in affecting employees’ moods. Interior painting predominantly consisting of red or orange, for example, may look bold but put staff on edge. Instead of using emotionally provocative colors en masse, consider incorporating them in accent walls or furniture instead. Neutrals such as light gray and white are favorites among many businesses because they convey cleanliness and even-handedness.


For help with your interior painting project, turn to the professionals at Allied Painting Contractors. This residential and commercial painting company, located in O’Fallon, MO, has been part of the greater St. Charles community for more than 15 years, providing a range of services from house painting and wallpaper removal to office interior painting. Call (314) 779-6195 to speak with a friendly staff member about your vision. 
