
If you own a small business, you probably work more than 40 hours a week. However, that doesn't mean you should be on call 24/7. In fact, it's best to have a separate phone line for work, instead of just using your personal phone for everything.

Why You Should Have a Separate Phone for Your Business

1. Maintain the Utmost Professionalism

If you receive all your personal and professional calls on the same line, you won't be able to differentiate between the two. As such, you'll have to answer every unknown call as if it were a potential client to maintain professionalism. You'll also have to change your outgoing voicemail message to one that includes your company's name. Naturally, such steps will blur the line between your personal and professional lives, and neither your loved ones nor your clients will feel as though you're giving them your full attention.

2. Unplug as Needed

phoneUnless you happen to be in the medical field and own a private practice, you don't have to be available 24/7. In fact, for your sanity, you shouldn't be. As long as you have a separate business phone, you can turn it off when you're no longer "on the clock," without worrying about missing important calls from your family.

3. Scale Up With Ease

Your business may be relatively small now, but what will happen as it grows? You certainly won't want your personal number associated with the company once you have hundreds or thousands of clients. By using a separate phone number from day one, you won't have to worry about updating your website, social media pages, or stationary once your personal phone line can no longer handle the company's capacity.


For an affordable phone package that includes a personal and business line, turn to Delhi Telephone Company. Serving entrepreneurs across Delaware County, NY, for more than 120 years, this telecommunications company provides cable TV, internet, security monitoring, and phone services. With 24/7 tech support, they’ll be there when you need them. To browse all the services they provide, visit their website. To discuss your particular needs, call (607) 746-1500.
