
Whether you own a restaurant, grocery store, or coffee shop, chances are that you rely on your commercial refrigeration equipment daily. While essential to operations, this equipment can also incur costly utility bills, especially when it’s not functioning efficiently. By taking the following steps, you can improve function and reduce energy waste at your business. 

How to Boost the Efficiency of Your Commercial Refrigeration Unit

1. Clean the Refrigeration System frequently

Refrigerator coils are integral in absorbing heat, which keeps food cool. When the coils are dirty and dusty, they operate less efficiently. While regular maintenance is crucial for replacing worn components and reducing energy usage, cleaning your unit is also important. Gently brush coils to remove dust and dirt about once a month.

Coils can usually be located in the back of the unit behind a grate, but they may also be found at the top or bottom of the unit. Turn off the system’s power before cleaning to ensure your safety.  

2. Ensure Proper Airflow

commercial refrigerationWhen the flow of air is blocked, there is a risk that condenser coils will freeze over since there will be no warm air flowing over them. This can result in a commercial refrigeration unit working harder to offer the same cooling capability, which increases energy usage. It also contributes to the development of wear and tear, which may result in expensive repairs or replacement. 

3. Consider an Upgrade

Some units include features that boost energy-efficiency. Something as simple as choosing a unit that uses LED lighting instead of conventional incandescent bulbs can make a significant difference. LED bulbs last longer and use less energy, which can reduce your energy usage from 25% to 80%. Upgrading to an electronically commutated (EC) motor is also beneficial, as these motors are more energy-efficient than conventional AC or DC motors. 


When the time comes to repair your commercial refrigeration unit, working with a trusted company is a must. Tri-City Services repairs and maintains commercial refrigerators to ensure your business can serve your customers in the best way possible. Since these contractors are certified for North American Technician Excellence (NATE), you can rest assured they’ll provide a job well done. Check out testimonials from past customers online or call (715) 423-5840 to schedule service at your place of business. 
