
There is a lot of common knowledge about home care that gets passed on from generation to generation and person to person. While there are times when this is sound advice, plumbing contractors warn against believing the following. These habits could cause unnecessary damage to your pipes.

What Are Plumbing Myths You Should Avoid Believing?

1. Ice Sharpens Garbage Disposal Blades

Contrary to popular belief, garbage disposals don't have blades but impellers, made of blunt metal, that pulverize food into small pieces. The best way to keep your impellers from becoming dull is to avoid putting certain greasy or fibrous foods down the disposal and to clean it regularly. 

Ice can be used to clean the impellers, but they don’t sharpen the blades as the myth suggests. If the garbage disposal stops attending to food properly, call for repairs.

2. Bleach Tablets & Wipes Are Flushable 

plumbing contractorWhile bleach tablets might seem like an easy way to save money and time on cleaning your toilet, bleach is caustic. Eventually, it will degrade your toilet’s rubber seals and gaskets. Furthermore, if you flush the tablet down the toilet, a piece might block one of the passages, causing slow drainage or backflow. Opt for a cleaning product recommended by your plumber contractor and a toilet brush instead.

Similarly, even cleaning wipes that are marketed as flushable might get caught in a bend in the plumbing

3. A Leaky Faucet Is Nothing to Worry About

Each year, household leaks use up around one trillion gallons of water nationwide. In addition to harming the environment, this can increase your utility bills. A leaky faucet might be caused by mineral deposits inside the faucet and plumbing, defective gaskets, or corrosion.

In some cases, fixing a leak might be as simple as tightening the washers to ensure they can maintain the water entering the pipes under pressure. However, to be safe and save money on complications, you’ll want a plumber’s opinion.


If you are in need of reliable advice, turn to the experts at Lonneman Plumbing in Edgewood, KY. These plumbing contractors have helped customers throughout northern Kentucky with emergency repairs, installations, and maintenance; they service hot water heaters, sump pumps, sewer lines, garbage disposals, faucets, toilets, and tubs. For solutions that you can count on, call (859) 341-7755. Find out more about their offerings on their website.
