
When your cat is sick, you’ll want to make sure they are taken care of properly and as soon as possible. There are certain times when you should take your feline to the animal hospital and other situations where they might not need urgent attention. The guide below will help you to learn the difference if your cat is vomiting.

When to Wait 

Cats vomit quite often and for a number of different reasons, several of which are not serious. If your cat vomits only once, there’s usually no need to see a vet. It’s common for cats to vomit because of hairballs, which is when their fur gets stuck in the stomach after grooming. Although this is not serious, you should see your vet for a hairball remedy if your cat brings up hairballs regularly.

If there are no symptoms besides vomiting and your cat’s overall health seems to be good, stop giving them their usual food for 24 hours and keep their diet simple. This could include plain food that humans eat when they’re unwell, such as unseasoned chicken or potatoes. 

If they stop vomiting, return to their normal diet. Also, be aware that eating too fast can cause vomiting. Before you see a vet, try giving your cat smaller portions more often, and have pets eat separately so they’re not competing for food.

When to See a Vet 

animal hospitalIf your cat vomits more than once or twice in 24 hours, it’s best to bring them to an animal hospital. See your vet if vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, diarrhea, a swollen abdomen, or a fever. Make an appointment right away if there is blood in the vomit. 

Diseases or eating foreign objects are the more serious reasons why cats vomit. It’s normal for cats to eat grass, but the habit may be harmful if there are chemicals, such as fertilizer, on the lawn. Many houseplants are poisonous for cats, so research carefully or check with your vet before buying plants.

Multiple health conditions cause vomiting, including pancreatitis, worm infections, tumors, and liver or kidney failure. Some of these conditions are not easy to diagnose, so take your cat to the animal hospital when they are vomiting and experiencing various other symptoms.


If you think your cat’s vomiting is a cause for concern, West Pine Animal Hospital in West End, NC, is always available to quickly and efficiently take care of your furry friend. Their friendly, highly trained vets offer everything from vaccinations and wellness exams to surgery and dentistry. Boarding is also available. To schedule an appointment, call (910) 673-3103 or visit their website
