
When your body tries to repair a problem with the bone, it can overcorrect and create abnormal growths, which doctors call bone spurs or osteophytes. Often, these spurs are benign, but when they occur on your foot, they result in serious heel pain, inflammation, and loss of motion. Fortunately, a skilled podiatrist can treat these symptoms and help you maintain a healthy life.

What Are Bone Spurs?

Pressure and stress on the feet can cause minor damage, which your body tries to repair by creating extra bone. While bone spurs can result from sports injuries, podiatrists can trace most of them to regular stress or pressure, like wearing shoes that are too tight. Having unusually high or low arches can also contribute to bone spurs, especially if you run or jog regularly.

What Are Common Symptoms?

heel painSome bone spurs don’t cause any symptoms at all, but many people experience severe heel pain that makes walking difficult. At first, you may only feel tenderness at the site of the growth. Over time, swelling, redness, and stiffness in the joints will occur. Wearing restrictive shoes or running long distances will worsen bone spur symptoms, eventually restricting your mobility entirely.

How Do Doctors Treat Bone Spurs?

Conservative, non-surgical treatments are the first methods podiatrists use for bone spurs, even in severe cases. Sometimes, changing footwear to something less restrictive or investing in orthopedic inserts can provide relief. Since being overweight can contribute to bone spurs, your doctor might also recommend losing weight. Patients with severe cases may need cortisone shots to reduce pain and inflammation, or surgery if nothing else alleviates the symptoms.


If you’re experiencing bone spurs or heel pain, the professional staff at St. Peters Foot & Ankle: Samuel T. Wood-DPM will help restore your quality of life. With clinics in St. Peters and Florissant, MO, they have a reputation as one of the leading clinics in the area. Visit the website to learn more about their heel pain and other treatments. Call (636) 720-0190 to contact their St. Peters office, and (314) 921-1020 for their Florissant location.
