
If you’ve just completed a new water heater installation, you’ll want it to last for several more years. Avoid replacing it after a few years or constantly calling a plumber for repairs by practicing proper maintenance. It’s essential to follow through with annual inspections that can identify and correct performance issues and keep this appliance running smoothly. Here are some benefits of water heater maintenance.

Top 3 Reasons to Follow Water Heater Maintenance Guidelines

1. Maintains Good Energy Efficiency

A new water heater installation will be more efficient than the unit it is replacing. However, routine maintenance is needed to keep it in top shape. Over time, calcium buildup can settle on the bottom of the water tank, forcing it to work harder to heat the water. Regularly scheduling a technician to flush the tank will remove unwanted sediment and keep the unit operating at peak efficiency.

2. Creates Consistent Water Volume

water heater installationExcess calcium buildup can reduce how much water can be heated inside the hot water heater. It can also decrease the amount of water your tank is able to hold. This combination could cause you to run out of hot water much sooner than you’d like. Similar to  maintaining your unit’s energy efficiency, flushing the tank will keep this problem from getting out of hand.

3. Promotes Safe Operating Conditions

Without proper care, excess water pressure could result in significant damage to the unit. Inadequate temperature control could result in scalding water flowing from your pipes. The temperature and pressure valve must be inspected annually to ensure the continued safe operation of your water heater.


Whether you need a new water heater installation or are looking to repair leaky pipes and faucets, trust the professionals at A All Valley Plumbing & Sewer Service in Cincinnati, OH. Serving the tri-state area for over 30 years, their expert technicians provide preventative maintenance services, as well as manufacturer warranties on parts needed to fix plumbing problems. They also offer 24/7 emergency service. Learn more about their affordable plumbing services online. Call (513) 733-3311 to speak with a friendly representative.
