
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., with more than 47,000 lives lost each year. While it can be difficult to detect suicidal thoughts in other people, suicide is preventable, and there are a number of warning signs you can look out for if you’re concerned about a loved one. Take a look at the list below to learn about common indications that a person may be thinking about taking their own life.

Common Suicide Warning Signs

1. Expressing Negative Thoughts

A person can signal that they’re feeling suicidal in various ways, whether it’s verbally or through writing, art, or other creative mediums. Talking about feeling hopeless, worthless, or like a burden on others can also indicate that a person is suicidal. If you hear or see someone expressing these kinds of thoughts, it’s important to take them seriously and intervene immediately.

2. Changes in Behavior Patterns

Virginia suicideSometimes, the signs that someone is considering suicide are not as obvious. Uncharacteristic behaviors such as increased drinking or drug use, sleeping too much or too little, changes in appearance (losing or gaining weight and/or neglecting daily hygiene), and withdrawing from activities they once enjoyed can mean a person is feeling depressed and struggling with suicidal thoughts. 

3. Risky Behavior

Engaging in potentially dangerous activities could be a sign that a person no longer values their life or cares what happens to them. These behaviors can include driving recklessly, having unsafe sex, and abusing alcohol or drugs. A suicidal person may also practice self-harming behaviors such as cutting, scratching, or burning their own skin.

4. Chronic Physical Pain

Studies show that nearly one in 10 suicide deaths in the U.S. occur in people with chronic pain. If someone you love suffers from a long-term condition such as back pain, cancer, or arthritis—or if they frequently complain about headaches, digestive issues, or enduring discomfort—you may want to check in and see if they need support.


If you or someone you love is having suicidal thoughts, turn to Alleghany Highlands Community Services in Covington, VA. For more than 30 years, this care center has provided comprehensive inpatient and outpatient mental health care services. They also have a 24-hour suicide prevention hotline. Visit their website to learn more about how they can help you or call (540) 965-2135 to speak with a compassionate counselor today.
